John —

In a little over a week, we have witnessed three mass shootings in Texas, Ohio, and California. It’s heartbreaking, but it’s also frustrating because we know how to prevent these tragedies from ever happening again.

There’s just one problem: Mitch McConnell and Senate Republicans are so beholden to the gun lobby they are actively working to block common-sense gun safety legislation that would save lives.

In fact, McConnell said he was “horrified” by these shootings but refuses to bring the Senate back from recess and call for a vote on gun safety legislation. We cannot tolerate inaction — not when our children, our friends, and our neighbors are being gunned down.

The Senate needs to act NOW. But if Republicans lack the courage to move forward with common-sense solutions to the gun violence epidemic, then we will make sure they’re out of a job in 2020. Are you with us?

Sign your name to demand Mitch McConnell bring the Senate back from recess and call a vote on gun safety legislation to end these tragedies once and for all:

Add your name

Classrooms. Malls. Concerts. Places of worship. Even Walmart. It could happen anywhere, and unless we do something about it, innocent lives will continue to be lost. But it doesn’t have to be this way.

Let’s honor the victims of these senseless tragedies with action. The world is watching.

— Flip the Senate