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Shock And Awe Becomes Shrug And Yawn

Kurt Schlichter

Why Biden's 'Deterrence' Isn't Doing Much Deterring

Spencer Brown

Enjoy Watching the Race Game Collapse

Derek Hunter

Deadspin Hit Job Gets Even Worse

Brad Slager

Cuomo Aide: How We Killed New York

Ann Coulter

We've Seen This 'Film' Before

Cal Thomas

Want to Save Medicare? Call Your Members of Congress. Now.

Bob Barr

The Kamala Conundrum: Why Democrats Are Stuck With Her

Larry Elder

How To Fix Our Broken Culture

Star Parker

Pro-Hamas Agitators Assault Cops, Crash NYC Christmas Celebration

Katie Pavlich

As Israel and Hamas Agree to Extend Ceasefire, We Have Reports of a Terror Attack in Jerusalem

Matt Vespa

Gaffe-Prone Biden Makes Odd Comments During Colorado Visit

Sarah Arnold

Henry Kissinger, Former Secretary of State, Dies at 100

Sarah Arnold

Even With Anti-Semitic Protests, Activism Director Still Thinks Teens Need Social Media at School

Rebecca Downs

Shocker: Chicago Mayor Blames Blue City's Illegal Migrant Crisis On 'Right-Wing Extremism'

Sarah Arnold

Never-Trumper Suggests He'd Vote for Trump Over Biden

Sarah Arnold

Will Speaker Johnson Balance the Budget?

Terry Jeffrey

Rewarding Bad Behavior

Laura Hollis

Why We Uphold Conservative Values

Jeff Davidson

America, France, and the Free Market

Veronique de Rugy

Make America More Like...Honduras?

Brian Darling

Eliminate Federal Intrusion in Education to Reduce Budget Deficit

Sheri Few

EV Buses—Investors and Taxpayers Beware

David Legates

Warren Buffett’s Partner Charlie Munger Died at Almost 100 – Here’s What You Can Learn From Him

Rainer Zitelmann

Remembering President John F. Kennedy On 60th Anniversary of the Tragedy

Gary Franks

Indiana’s Warning Call to America

Dan Burton

Elon Musk's Responds to Advertisers Boycotting Twitter With Three Simple Words

Matt Vespa

Blue-State Will Continue to Enforce 'Draconian' Handgun Law Despite Court Deeming It Unconstitutional

Sarah Arnold

Biden Admin Has 'Hidden' Voter-Turnout Plans Ahead of 2024 Election

Sarah Arnold

Political Cartoons
Bearing Arms
Representative Who Plows Through Rights Deserves the Bulldozer Treatment |
Shooting In Ohio Leaves Four Wounded, Gunman Dead |
Biden Wants to 'Finish the Job' on Guns |
The Colossal Failures That Led to Lewiston Murders |
Study Points to Where Young Mass Shooters Get Guns |
If You Want Peace, Prepare For War: Why All Should Be Armed |