John –

If you haven’t already, now is the time to show your support by taking advantage of Minnesota’s unique system of publicly funding our campaigns.

You can give up to $50 to your favorite state-level candidate (me!) each year and the state will refund the money. It’s how we keep the big money from swinging our elections.

For this to work, we need your help. Make a $50 refundable contribution today and power my efforts to help elect Democrats across the state!

Time is running out for you to make your 2023 refundable contribution. If you don’t make a contribution by Dec 31st, this free $50 to your favorite state-level candidate (me!) will disappear.

There’s no such thing as the off year for me. Each and every week I’m at local DFL events supporting the candidates we need to keep a Democratic majority in 2025.

I need you to power my efforts.

Please, contribute $50 or more today!

Thank you,




Minnesotans for Julie Blaha
P.O. Box 17083
Saint Paul, MN 55117
United States