It's time for us to expect more and for our elected leaders to deliver
Dear John,
As Americans, we cannot continue to accept the bare minimum from our elected officials. We cannot continue to applaud short term measures that only keep government functioning at a basic level. We cannot allow dysfunction in Congress to lower our expectations of those who represent us.
I’m currently serving my third term on City Council. I didn’t run for elected office to do the bare minimum, I did it because I wanted to help build a brighter future for my community. I know that governing usually isn’t exciting. It’s hard work. That hard work is what lays the foundation for accomplishing bigger things.
Those big things are what we should expect from our elected officials. I’m running for Congress because I know how to make government work. My colleagues and I do it every day. For us, failure isn’t an option. We do the hard work because our constituents are counting on us, and because we know that the basic functioning of government is the foundation that allows us pursue policies that address bigger issues and make life better for the people we represent.