We have to be ready in case lawmakers propose anti-voter legislation during this special session. 

Georgia’s special legislative session got underway today — and we need your help. 

Lawmakers are meeting right now because a federal court ordered them to re-do our state’s congressional and legislative maps. 

But we must also be ready in case extremists try to pass voter suppression bills — including proposals we helped block earlier this year to expand mass challenges and eliminate drop boxes for absentee voters.

With so much at stake, we’re asking you to make a $20 donation ahead of tomorrow’s end-of-month fundraising deadline. Help support our pro-voter work and fight back against any attempts by extremist legislators to suppress the vote.

If you've saved payment info with ActBlue Express, your donation will process automatically:

Chip in $5
Chip in $25
Chip in $50
Chip in $100
Chip in $250
Chip in Other

Here at Fair Fight Action, we have a game plan to combat voter suppression attempts — and it depends on grassroots support from folks like you. Take a look:

Advocate against laws that would restrict voting rights
Support policies that make elections more accessible
Reach voters with the resources they need to cast their ballots
Counter disinformation around elections

Through all these steps and more, we work to ensure voters can access the ballot box freely and fairly. And the actions we take right now count.

Hitting our goal before our end-of-month fundraising deadline tomorrow is critical to scaling up our efforts in the pivotal months ahead. Will you make a donation of $20 or anything you can to help keep up this important fight?

Thank you,

The Fair Fight Action Team