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News Analysis
Taliban Appoints Its Leader as the 'Lawful Ruler' of Afghanistan ([link removed]) And the attacks continue Read and Share ([link removed])
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Poll Results
Poll Results: Should Dems Have Met With Iranian FM? ([link removed]) 'Talk about hubris!' Read ([link removed])
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News Analysis
BDS or Coronavirus? Israel Leads Way for Vaccine ([link removed]) Anti-Semites may be forced to make the the choice of their life - literally Read and Share ([link removed])
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Readers Write
Torture, Abductions By Dubai Ruler: Court Reveals ([link removed])
“Those women & girls are so brave.”
- D.N.
Bernie Sanders: Ilhan Omar Is “One of the Greatest People I Know” ([link removed])
“Obviously, if he speaks well of Castro of Cuba, Chavez and Maduro of Venezuela, and even of Daniel Ortega of Nicaragua, this is not suprising.”
- J.J.
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