Greater DC Update
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Greater DC Update
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Do public housing and rental assistance programs help residents live closer to jobs?
A new report scrutinizes the role of public housing and federal rental assistance programs in helping low-wage workers live closer to jobs and opportunity, including in DC. Read the report and listen to the new
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Critical Value episode to get the behind-the-scenes story.
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How faith communities are addressing the DC region’s housing challenges
Solving the region’s housing challenges is not the job of local governments or nonprofits alone. A “three-point sermon” explains how the faith community, along with businesses, philanthropy, and others, all play a role.
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What should we tell young people about sex?
The #MeToo movement has brought conversations about consent and assault to the forefont. A DC-based program called Promoting Adolescent Sexual Health and Safety helps young people identify unhealthy relationships, advocate for themselves, and set interpersonal goals.
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Presentation: Equitable development and urban space
The ongoing construction of the new 11th Street Bridge Park is connecting the relatively affluent communities around Capitol Hill to the lower-income Anacostia neighborhood. At the University of Virginia School of Architecture, presenter Mary Bogle shared research insights on the equitable development project.
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Like what you see in the Washington DC Region newsletter? You can follow the work of our researchers
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Elsa Falkenburger,
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Tina Stacy, and
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Mary Bogle on Twitter.
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