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For more than fifty years politicians have neglected Indiana’s small towns and rural communities.

Our new ad - Forgotten - takes on the career politicians who have abandoned our small towns, rural communities, and their values.

Guided by his faith and small town roots, Eric’s spent his career working to rebuild small towns. Our campaign is the only one with a detailed plan for these communities and for you, the Hoosiers who call them home.


Our Indiana Main Street Initiative will rebuild our small towns and ensure Indiana is a state where all 92 counties can thrive. Regional Cities 2.0 will invest in rural communities to restore economic growth, declining downtowns and community pride.

And as the only candidate for governor who has defended rural schools against forced consolidation efforts, Eric stands ready to fight for the small town values of our state.

Small towns make up the essence of who we are as Hoosiers. They are too essential to our state’s future for career politicians to forget them any longer.

- Team Doden

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