
Now is your chance to tell Congress to stand with survivors.

Human traffickers often threaten victims and their families if someone contacts law enforcement — regardless of who calls.

The National Human Trafficking Hotline Enhancement Act (H.R. 2601) would require the Trafficking Hotline to turn over information shared by the public to law enforcement, whether the victim consents to this action or not.

Because of this danger, the bill puts the safety and security of victims and survivors of human trafficking at risk. We urge Congress to vote NO on H.R. 2601.

The Trafficking Hotline already complies with mandated reporting laws about children, and reports any credible tips where it is clear someone is unable to get help for themselves. 

We believe law enforcement is an essential partner in this fight. And while the bill has good intentions, victims of human trafficking must control when to involve law enforcement in their trafficking situations. No other anti-violence hotlines are expected to violate survivors' privacy and safety in this way. 

Trust in the Hotline is crucial for victims seeking assistance, and this bill would break that trust. We know this because survivors have told us, and we’ve listened.

The House of Representatives might vote on H.R. 2601 within the next several days, so now is the time to take action! Here are three things you can do:

1. Call your Member of Congress and tell them to vote NO on H.R. 2601: Dial 202.224.3121 and the Capitol Switchboard will connect you straight to your representative’s office. Here’s a link to our TAKE ACTION page, including a script you can use for your call.

2. Like and share our social media, and forward this email: We’ve posted calls to action on Twitter (X), Instagram, Facebook, and LinkedIn. Please like and share what’s right for you!

3. Donate: Please help fund the fight to defend the Hotline today!

Our message to Congress is simple: Survivors must control when to involve law enforcement in their situations. And Members of Congress should listen to survivors when making anti-trafficking public policy.

Please stand with survivors and take action today.

In solidarity,
Catherine Chen, CEO

P.S. To learn more about this issue, please read this great op-ed. And this piece from a survivor in Tampa really drives home the point!

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P.O. Box 65323, Washington, D.C. 20035


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