Thousands of American families are counting on us to get this bill passed.

Dear Friend,

We just learned that the House will not vote on the NO BAN Act today, so that it can pass an emergency stimulus package to address the coronavirus epidemic.

While we share this concern for the public health, we’re still disappointed. The Muslim and African Bans continue to separate thousands of American families, especially during these harrowing times. Imagine not being able to be with or care for your parent, sibling, child during this global health crisis.

We have been told that this delay on the vote is temporary. Still, we’re keeping up the pressure. The other day, we presented the names of over 150,000 petition signers to Congress (photo above), sending the clear message that Americans want this historic bill to pass.

If you haven’t already, please, add your name and share this petition far and wide.

To be clear: the only reason we’ve gotten this far is because of our persistence. These bans are wrong, and we will not be denied this vote. With your active support, together, we’ll make history.

Naheed Qureshi
Deputy Director
Muslim Advocates