We're advocating alongside partners for a transparent process and fair maps so Georgians can participate in the political process in an equitable manner. 

FIRST: Anti-voter lawmakers used Georgia’s 2021 redistricting process as a means of diluting Black political power.

THEN: A federal court ordered the Georgia legislature to re-do its maps to better represent the diversity of our state’s electorate.

NOW: With Georgia’s redistricting session starting today, we're busy advocating alongside partners for a transparent process and fair maps — so Georgians can participate in the political process in an equitable manner.

But we also need to hit our November fundraising goal by tomorrow so we can stay on pace to fully invest in all of our pro-democracy programs. 

Ahead of tomorrow's end-of-month fundraising deadline, can you chip in $20 or any amount to help hit our goal? Your donation will be put to work immediately to help ensure free and fair elections.

If you've saved payment info with ActBlue Express, your donation will process automatically:

Chip in $5
Chip in $25
Chip in $50
Chip in $100
Chip in $250
Chip in Other

— The Fair Fight Action Team