When the Dobbs decision was leaked last year, a chill was sent down the collective spine of the American people. While it was shocking at the time to read the Court’s intention in print, it unfortunately was a natural progression of the right-wing path they had been following for years.
Gutting the Voting Rights Act, clearing the way for corporate polluters, loosening up gun control laws—given the choice between protecting the American people or siding with corporate interests and right-wing extremists, the Court certainly doesn’t choose us.
But you know who has been having a great time? The right-wing billionaires who spend their time wooing justices like Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito with luxury vacations and undisclosed sweetheart real estate deals, while they hand down decisions that take a wrecking ball to our abortion access and destroy what little protection our voting rights had.
And because each Justice gets a lifetime appointment to the bench, those billionaires could essentially buy their votes for upwards of 30 years. In fact, it’s some of the longest-serving justices who are most often caught with their hands in the cookie jar.
Term limits would go a long way in reforming the Court and building a bench that actually represents the needs of the American people. In two clicks, send an email to your legislators, urging them to co-sponsor and pass the Supreme Court Tenure Establishment and Retirement Modernization Act.