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Governor Inslee recently led a delegation of 25 officials and business leaders to Australia and Tasmania for climate change discussions. Despite the obvious emission-saving potential for conducting such meetings virtually, the trip cost taxpayers tens of thousands of dollars and left a massive carbon footprint.

The irony is glaring, with the delegation emitting a minimum of 112.5 metric tons of CO2, equivalent to a person being a vegetarian for 210 years or carpooling exclusively for 110 years to offset.

This, however, isn't the first instance of Inslee's hypocrisy, as his environmental record is marked by skyrocketing carbon emissions and failed green policies burdening working families. Now, as his term concludes, Inslee is dipping into state resources to leverage his "green" image for a post-governorship paycheck.

While mainstream media avoids criticism, we here at Shift WA will expose Inslee's hypocrisy. But we need your support right now.

We are still behind our fundraising goal by nearly $800. Will you chip in $100, $50, or $25 today?

Thank you,

The Shift WA Team
For our green governor, attention-getting climate change discussions require spending tens of thousands of taxpayer dollars and—oh, the irony—leaving behind an enormous carbon footprint.


Earlier this month, Governor Jay Inslee took an international trip to Australia and Tasmania. Inslee led a delegation of 25 government officials and business leaders on this pricey trip. Their mission? Discussing climate change initiatives.

Yes, you read that right, because climate change issues, evidently, cannot be discussed over a Zoom call.

Evidently, for our dear governor and his entourage, attention-getting climate change discussions required spending tens of thousands of taxpayers dollars and—oh, the irony—leaving behind an enormous carbon footprint. According to Free Flight USA, one round-trip alone from Seattle to Sydney spews out 4.5 metric tons of CO2. Multiply that by 25, and congratulations, Inslee's posse gifted the atmosphere with a minimum of 112.5 metric tons of CO2. All so they can talk about how much they care about climate change.

To offset that colossal carbon footprint, one would have to be a vegetarian for 210 years or carpool exclusively for 110 years. But who needs facts when you've got virtue signaling, right?

Of course, this isn't Inslee's first tango with hypocrisy. Our green governor has a penchant for globe-trotting, all generously funded by us, the taxpayers. Maybe he's just racking up frequent flyer miles for the planet. Who knows?

But let's get real. The data shows that Gov. Inslee's environmental record is disastrous. Carbon emissions in our state have skyrocketed under his watch. His extreme green policies? Utter failures, unless you count the unsustainable tax burden they've slapped on working families.

Adding insult to injury, now that Inslee’s time as governor is coming to an end, he is using his faux "green" image as a golden ticket for his next gig. And that’s all while dipping into state resources for his little job tour.

The mainstream media won't hold Inslee accountable – you simply cannot count on them to challenge Inslee after a decade of ignoring his corruption.

We here at Shift WA are all too willing to call out the hypocrisy and hold Inslee accountable. But with the month's end creeping in, we're still $1,300 short of our fundraising goal.

Can we count on your support? Chip in $100, $50, or even $25 today to help us shed light of Inslee – and many of his fellow Democrats’ – extreme climate hypocrisy.

Thank you,

The Shift WA Team