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, I'm eager to share the latest from CRC with you:
CRC's film division, Dangerous Documentaries . . . ([link removed]
. . . is launching a new animated series! "The Politically Incorrect Guide" will feature Historian Tom Woods and popular author and podcaster Michael Malice as they examine the parts of history that get left out of today's education curricula. Read more ([link removed]
([link removed] Center for Strategic Giving Director Michael Hartmann, along with Hudson Institute Senior Fellow William Schambra and retired Bradley Foundation Vice President Dan Schmidt have launched The Giving Review at Philanthropy Daily. Take a look here. ([link removed]
The leftist love affair with Cuban socialism lives on . . . ([link removed] . .with the Venceremos Brigade. For 50 years now, this group has aggrandized Cuban Socialism and sent students to Cuba too labor in solidarity with the Cuban people living under Fidel Castro's regime. Learn about the American groups that fund them ([link removed]
The Foundation for the Carolinas' reputation for environmentalism . . . ([link removed] . . might be overstated. It appears the donor-advised fund's most prolific giver is Mr. Fred Stanback, Jr., a misanthropic billionaire with cash to burn. Hs population-controlling-agenda painted the Foundation a dark shade of green. Read more from CRC's Ken Braun here. ([link removed]
Featured Video:
Deplatforming and the Power
of Left-Wing Media
([link removed] must take it upon ourselves to call out and oppose bigots, authoritarians, and conspiracists, but we must equally oppose deplatforming on principle, regardless of who it is happening to. Those unwilling to join this fight may find themselves next on the Left’s list.Watch our video on tech censorship here. ([link removed]
InfluenceWatch Podcast
Episode #80:
Anarchists Attack in Portland ([link removed] ([link removed] Research Center Investigative Researcher Hayden Ludwig joins the show. Hayden studies the liberal networks that funnel money from major institutions and big donors into left-wing politics and policy. This week he released a new report at CapitalResearch.org with a deep-dive into NEO Philanthropy ([link removed] a liberal “pass through” funding group.Subscribe to the podcast on iTunes, Google Play, or Stitcher. ([link removed] ([link removed] ([link removed]
As always, I welcome your thoughts on how we can better serve our mission of exposing the Left's activists and donors. E-mail me at SWalter@CapitalResearch.org, or call me at 202.464.2044.Best wishes,Scott Walter, President ([link removed] ([link removed]
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