Dear John,
We're so close to meeting our GivingTuesday match goal of $15,000. Your help is crucial right now to push us over the line. We are extending the match deadline to November 29. This is your last chance to triple your gift. When you donate now, your gift
will be matched up to $15,000 total, with a generous match from our Executive Advisory Board.
Together, we are accomplishing vital work:
- Advocating for filtered, not bottled, water in communities to avoid huge amounts of plastic pollution during U.S. lead pipe replacement
- Flipping the script on single-use plastics in the entertainment industry
- Pressuring the U.S. government to protect its citizens from the toxic effects of plastic pollution
- Advocating for a strong, legally binding Global Plastics Treaty at ongoing UN negotiations
This is your last chance to make a GivingTuesday gift to TRIPLE your impact. Thank you for joining us in creating a more just, equitable, regenerative world free of plastic pollution, and its toxic impacts.
With warmth & gratitude,

Dianna Cohen Co-Founder & CEO

Julia Cohen, MPH Co-Founder & Managing Director
P.S. John, please make a GivingTuesday gift & TRIPLE your impact. Our Executive Advisory Board will be matching donations, up to $15,000 total. |