This morning, MAGA Mike Johnson’s dream hearing is taking place, where Mitt Romney is testifying on the need to form a “fiscal commission”―DC insider code for a closed-door panel tasked with cutting Social Security and Medicare.
Senator Romney will never face voters again. And on his way out the door, he’s calling for the establishment of a panel that will meet outside the view of voters, empowered to circumvent normal Congressional procedure and force changes to our earned benefits into effect. It’s undemocratic and downright un-American. No wonder MAGA Mike loves it.
Here are three things you can do to STOP this commission:
Click here to send a message to your Representative and Senators. We’ve set up a simple tool that will let you contact all three with just a few clicks.
Call (202) 224-3121 and ask to speak to your Representative. Then call back and ask to speak to each of your Senators in turn. Politely tell the person who answers the phone:
I’m a constituent, and I’m calling to demand that your boss publicly speak out against the so-called fiscal commission. Social Security and Medicare are popular and vital programs to our nation’s economic security. Any changes to those programs should be handled through regular order, not behind closed doors. Voters want to see Social Security EXPANDED, not cut!
Chip in to Social Security Works as we mount our lobbying campaign to make sure every member of Congress knows that a vote for a “fiscal commission” is a vote to CUT Social Security!
We’ll have more to say after the hearing ends. Stay tuned.
Michael Phelan Social Security Works