![]() Dear Fellow Patriot, Tonight, the House RAMMED through H.R. 6172 -- the SHAM FISA reform scheme statists crafted in secret with Attorney General William Barr (the Deep State’s Chief Enforcer)! Bullying, fear-mongering, working the clock, suspending the rules to CRUSH debate. . . House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, her top Deep State lackeys Adam Schiff (D-CA) and Jerry Nadler (D-NY), their statist pals in Republican House leadership -- they ALL did their part.So-called “bipartisanship” isn’t dead in the Washington, D.C. “Swamp” when it comes to the Deep State’s abusive spying powers over law-abiding Americans. Now, Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) and his gang of Deep State cronies in the Senate want to RUBBER STAMP this phony “reform” before the so-called “USA Freedom Act” expires this Sunday. But I’m counting on liberty-loving Americans like you step up your part and OBJECT. You can help by: 1) Calling your U.S. Senators at
202-224-3121 at once. Tell them H.R. 6172 doesn’t even have a thin varnish of “reform” and that you aren’t falling for any SHAM FISA reform! DEMAND they oppose H.R. 6172 and any other scheme to reauthorize -- even for a second -- warrantless Deep State spying on you, me, or any law-abiding American. 2) Strongly considering chipping in as generous a financial contribution as you can to help stop Deep State spying abuse. Campaign for Liberty is pulling out all the stops to TRULY rein in the surveillance state. It’s not going to be cheap, but I’m confident it’s a fight we can ultimately win. The truth is right now is the best chance we’ve ever had to roll back the surveillance state’s abusive domestic spying powers. Impeachment laid bare the Deep State’s whole “National Security” charade before the American people.They know there’s abuse. And they know -- despite the Deep State’s promises -- domestic government spying has never done anything to catch a terrorist. For you and me, that’s no surprise. That’s never what these schemes have been about. From the beginning, they’ve ALWAYS been about shutting up voices like yours and mine who support American freedom. And if good folks like you and me fail to do all we can to stop Deep State spying abuse, I’m afraid nothing will stop this nation’s slide to authoritarianism. So if we’re going to strike a death blow against the surveillance state, it starts by stopping phony reforms. The fact is, H.R. 6172 keeps virtually all of the Deep State’s warrantless snooping powers running full blast -- powers they’ve PROVEN they’ll abuse! What’s more, this SHAM FISA reform wouldn’t do a thing to stop the type of politically motivated surveillance conducted on the Trump campaign in 2016. Worse, it keeps the BLATANTLY UNCONSTITUTIONAL Section 215 mandate that communications companies act as the NSA’s filing cabinet and requires they jump whenever the Deep State tells them. In other words, every American’s emails, phone records, text messages, Internet searches, instant messages, online purchases, and Facebook posts will still be forcibly collected, stored, and searched -- effectively whenever the Deep State wants. So please, call your Senators right away and demand LOUD and CLEAR that they oppose SHAM FISA reform (H.R. 6172) and any other scheme to reauthorize -- even for a second -- warrantless Deep State spying on you, me, or any law-abiding American. Please act at once. For Liberty,