
We’re reaching out to give you an update on our $150,000 goal we set for today. We are extremely close, but we need just a few more donations to hit our goal by midnight. 

Will you help us close Giving Tuesday strong and become a donor?


Our goal is ambitious, and we’re thankful that many individuals like you have contributed generously throughout the day. 

Now, we only have a few hours left before Giving Tuesday comes to a close. If you’re not sure how your donation will make an impact, allow us to take a moment to explain. 

Your donation will power our team of experts to challenge unjust laws and policies that marginalize immigrant communities, and advance policy solutions that make it possible for immigrants and their families to thrive.

Your donation will help fuel our fight back against the mounting forces of anti-immigrant hatred and fight forward for all low-income immigrant families.

Your donation will provide NILC with the critical resources we need to protect and expand access to health care, nutrition programs, public services, and economic supports for immigrants and their families.

Your donation will help fund our work to change hearts and minds through our narrative and culture change work by inviting people to explore what it means to thrive in the United States, and how we can make the freedom to thrive a reality for all.

Any donation that you decide to make, no matter the amount, will go a long way toward ensuring that the fight to protect the immigrant community continues into 2024.

Your gift today will make a transformative impact on NILC’s work and a real difference in the lives of immigrant communities we fight for every day.

Friend, before the day comes to a close, consider adding a donation toward our big Giving Tuesday fundraising goal >>>


We’re proud to partner with you in our movement for immigrant justice.


Kica Matos
National Immigration Law Center

Did you know many NILC donors prefer to make gifts of stock, cryptocurrency, donor advised funds and IRA contributions? Go to to learn more.

Mailing address for checks: National Immigration Law Center, P.O. Box 743013 Los Angeles, CA 90074-3013