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Jessica and her children are among the eleven families currently residing at our Family Emergency Shelter. When they arrived at the shelter a few months ago, they found not only a roof over their heads but also a lifeline to rebuild their lives. 

Your donation makes this possible. With your generosity, we can continue to provide essential services, such as groceries, to families like Jessica's. Each month, our food pantry ensures that 800 families in our community have the nourishment they need to thrive. 

Jessica is actively working with her dedicated case manager to discover the resources available to her, helping her maintain and achieve a stable, long-term home.  

Jessica's story is just one among many.  

Every day, countless others, like Jessica, face the harsh reality of food insecurity. In New Hampshire, 1 in 12 children face hunger.  

Your compassion, support, and generosity are the driving forces behind our mission to prevent and break the cycle of homelessness. Together, we can create a brighter future for our community. 

Your donation can transform lives. Will you join us in making a difference this Giving Tuesday?

Warmest regards, 

Maria Devlin 
President and CEO 

P.S. Share our mission with your friends and family and help us reach even more caring hearts on this Giving Tuesday. Tag us on Facebook or Instagram @FITNH #GiveToday #EndHomelessness 




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