Hi, Jane Fonda here.
I hope you had a restful Thanksgiving holiday. On this Giving Tuesday, I am reaching out to thank you for your ongoing support of the Jane Fonda Climate PAC.
We are so proud of electing climate champions up and down the ballot nationwide and defeating fossil fuel allies, and I hope you know how impactful your support truly is. Because of you, millions of people in Virginia, Pennsylvania, Minnesota, and California now have representatives, senators, councilmembers, executives, and supervisors who will fight for a livable future for all their communities.
As we gear up for 2024, your continued support will keep up our strong momentum as we lead the fight to protect our planet and hold the fossil fuel industry accountable.
Today, on Giving Tuesday, will you contribute $10 to help us continue to grow our program and start off 2024 strong?
Let’s fight like hell together,
Jane Fonda