Make your Giving Tuesday donation and let's exceed our goal
National Domestic Workers Alliance (Logo)

Time is running out to donate to help fight for the rights of the workers who care for our families.

John — As the clock ticks down on Giving Tuesday, we’re still short of our goal. But, we have an incredible opportunity that could help us get there.

Every Giving Tuesday donation made before midnight will be DOUBLED, thanks to an incredibly generous matching gift from an anonymous supporter.

Your contribution, no matter the amount, can have twice the impact and go a long way in empowering and uplifting domestic workers, advancing crucial initiatives like the National Domestic Workers Bill of Rights, and more - but that ENDS in just a few hours. John: donate now so we don’t miss out.

If you have saved your payment information with FastAction, your contribution will go through immediately on clicking a link.

Your generosity is the driving force behind our worker-led movement, and we are immensely grateful for that.

Let's seize this moment to make a lasting impact together. Make your Giving Tuesday donation now, and let's exceed our goal before the clock strikes midnight.

Thank you for being the heartbeat of NDWA. We couldn't do it without you!

John, your generous support today will supercharge our fight to improve the lives of care workers AND, TODAY ONLY, it will have twice the impact. Donate now and help us reach our $15,000 Giving Tuesday goal before midnight tonight!

DONATE $20 →

The NDWA Team