Dear Friend,
As you may know, today is #GivingTuesday. The Tuesday after
Thanksgiving was originally introduced as "a global generosity
movement unleashing the power of people and organizations to transform
their communities and the world.” That's a #PeoplePowered message the Green
Party can get behind!
We encourage you and Greens all across the globe to give to causes
meaningful to you this Giving Tuesday. For over a decade, this special
day has helped raise millions for people powered organizations around
the world, including the Green Party.
This Giving Tuesday, we aren't just asking for donations from you.
We'd like to offer YOU
some gifts.
We help grow the Green Party by providing you with expertly crafted
resources and literature designed to make an impact. As a grassroots
party, we might not have the deep pockets of the parties of War and
Wall Street to bombard every voter with marketing, but we know that
when we do reach a voter, we need to be sure it has impact.
We all know it takes money to support our candidates and help build
the party. So please consider making
a donation today!
As our party works together to face challenges, your financial
donation is the most important gift of all. A
sustaining monthly gift, in any amount you can afford,
would mean so much.
With Gratitude, Gregg Jocoy, GPUS Merchandise Committee
P.S. You
can still pick up our NEW DESIGN t-shirts on the
shop for 23% off until the end of the day when you buy a
10 pack of Green Party buttons in Green or Black! Grab a gift the
special Green in your life (or yourself) today and get it in time for
the holidays!.