Hello Greens! The Green Party of Utah has been working hard to obtain the required number of valid registered voter signatures to get ballot access for 2024. We will be holding a final peition signing event at the Utah State Capitol in the "Hall of Governors" (lower floor) on Thursday, November 30th, from 1-3pm. At 3pm (drum rolll please!) we will take all the packets of thousands of signatures to the Lt. Governor's office where they will be submitted for the final count. Join us for this hallmark event! To get the Green Party of Utah on the ballot, we need 2000 valid signatures by November 30th, but to overcome a likely challenge to the petition, the goal is 4000 signatures by 11/30.The Utah petition team has is well over the 2000 raw signatures. We are hoping to turn in close to 3500 on Thursday. Join us in celebration of the hard work of signature gatherers and the accomplishment of exceeding the requirements. Greens are grassroots activists, environmentalists, advocates for social justice, nonviolent resisters and regular citizens who’ve had enough of corporate-dominated politics. Government must be part of the solution, but when it’s controlled by the 1%, it’s part of the problem. The longer we wait for change, the harder it gets. Help the Green Party of Utah get ballot access so we can vote Green in 2024! Email us for more information (
[email protected])
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