If you haven’t given yet, now is the time!
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Don’t Wait—Have Twice the Impact Today!

Double your donation on Giving Tuesday and during American Diabetes Month® to help us make diabetes a thing of the past!

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It's Time To Act


Time is running out to have your gift DOUBLED to help save lives

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Every 23 seconds, an American is diagnosed with diabetes. We’re fighting to change that. Your support can go a long way in the fight to bend the curve on the diabetes epidemic—but time is winding down for you to have double the impact.

Your donation will be matched by an anonymous donor—up to a campaign total of $100,000 this Giving Tuesday and during the rest of
American Diabetes Month.

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We refuse to let diabetes overtake us, but we rely on this community’s generosity to continue our lifesaving work. So please, will you make your Giving Tuesday donation now and make twice the impact in the lives of the 133 million Americans living with diabetes or prediabetes?

Someday, diabetes will be history. Until then, we fight.
Thank you for joining us. 

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