In our three-part GivingTuesday video series, Stacey and Channte’ will speak to:
If you missed my earlier email today, I encourage you look for it and listen the first video in the series, and keep an eye out for my next email. You will get to witness one of the most beautiful friendships I have ever seen. A friendship that happened because their values align and they are both deeply committed to the work of addressing and ending breast cancer.
I am so grateful Stacey and Channte’ are here today, and leading the work to stop the breast cancer crisis. Our community is made up of people impacted by breast cancer, people living with or at risk of breast cancer, and people committed to ensuring all communities have the opportunity to grow and thrive. When we come together in collective action, we can create powerful change.
Thank you for your unyielding support of our critical work at Breast Cancer Action.
Please consider making a financial investment today on GivingTuesday, to support and strengthen this unique and critical work.
With gratitude,

Heather Perkins
Deputy Director