Standing with families. Fighting for our future.

Dear John, 

With you at our side, Earthworks has won from the Gulf Coast to Bristol Bay in Alaska. We’ve helped frontline communities and families fight industrial pollution from Pennsylvania to Texas to California to Argentina and Brazil. 

On Giving Tuesday we wanted you to be one of the first to see the story. Check it out now. 

The image is a preview of Earthworks' 2023 recap video. Text says Your Impact at Earthworks. On the right a group of people are marching and holding signs that say Protect our Health and Hold Shell Accountable.

It’s activists like you who make these results possible. Thank you for everything you do to support Earthworks.

In solidarity, 


Ann Corbett

PS: We're continuing to fight for the Biden administration and Congress to take emergency action on climate. Join us today with a gift of $20 or more and let’s make a bigger impact together.  |  Make a Donation

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