From Heather D. <[email protected]>
Subject The Swamp Returns to Washington
Date November 28, 2023 5:33 PM
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In case you missed it, Ron Paul has an extremely urgent message
for us this holiday season, as Congress prepares to pass some of
its most odious legislation while it thinks we aren't looking.

If you haven't already done so, please read Dr. Paul's message

Heather D.
Director of Legislative Affairs, Campaign for Liberty


When the politicians in Washington think they're out of the
spotlight, that's when they do their worst.

The holiday season, therefore, has always been a prime time for
massive assaults on your liberties.

And with Congress coming back to Washington, D.C. this week,
we're already seeing the signs of a full-scale assault being
prepared, with the statist wing of the Republicans - still
enraged over the ousting of their Speaker - eager to collaborate
with Democrats on everything from spending to surveillance.

Patriot, I'm afraid the statists see the holiday season as the
perfect time to spring their entire radical agenda on you and me.

Just look at what is at stake:


As we've warned, the globalist Atlantic Council and Digital
Dollar Project are convening a conference in Washington this week
to kick off a lobbying blitz for their new legislation, the
"ECASH Act," which the Atlantic Council describes as a bill to
promote a Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC).

Thanks to your support, we've fought off so many attempts to
implement a CBDC, Digital Dollar, and the like - more times than
we can count.

We've even advanced legislation to outright BAN a Central Bank
Digital Currency, which is still awaiting a vote on the House

But the banksters will be descending on Washington this week,
lobbying in force. We absolutely must keep up the pressure and
reject this attack on our financial freedom and privacy.


Over the past few weeks, the mass media's tone has changed
dramatically on Ukraine, as their plans to defeat Russia in a
proxy war have all gone horribly wrong. Nevertheless, neocons in
both parties are demanding we throw good money after bad, to the
tune of tens of billions of dollars in cash and weapons, only to
prolong the carnage and suffering even further.

The Biden administration already proposed linking Ukraine
spending with aid to Israel, Taiwan, and even some additional
unrelated spending.

But as the truth continues to leak out, support for the lost
cause in Ukraine in Congress is flagging, and we must maintain
this pressure through the end of the year.


Now that the fever of "fighting terrorism" is back, we need to
fight harder than ever to make certain they shut down this
unconstitutional mass surveillance program by simply leaving it
to die.

While Republicans in the House declared Section 702 renewal "dead
on arrival" not so long ago, now we're hearing they're pushing a
supposedly "short term" extension of the unconstitutional
surveillance law, saying they need a "Plan B" approach given the
end-of-year deadline.

All the time, we find new scandals that prove once and for all
the government cannot be granted any spying power directed at
American citizens.

Just this past week, new allegations emerged that a secretive
White House-run surveillance program with a shifting set of names
has been capturing and analyzing call records, mining the records
of countless law-abiding Americans with no warrant.

Leaked law enforcement files revealed all kinds of government
officials - postal workers, state parole officers, ICE agents,
national guardsmen, state police, and dozens of even smaller
agencies - all received training in using this secret database,
which they used not only to spy on criminal suspects, but their
children, parents, relatives, and friends.

Patriot, all of these battles are going to see action in

So unless you and I dramatically turn up the heat on Congress -
and FAST - I'm afraid you and I could be staring straight at a
holiday season DISASTER.

I must ask for your most generous financial support to keep us in
this fight.

And I'll be frank: being right between the two major elections of
2022 and 2024, this is a "dry season" for fundraising. Without
your support today, I'm concerned we won't have the resources we
need to fend off these assaults on our freedom, finances, and
[link removed]

With your help, we can not only fend of these assaults, but even
push positive reforms, such as the bill to BAN the Central Bank
Digital Currency and the Fourth Amendment is Not for Sale Act, to
prohibit the feds from simply buying your sensitive personal
information from Big Tech.

I know I've asked you to stretch this year. Campaign for Liberty
has taken on so many important fights!

But the good news is, you're making a tremendous difference.

Over the last two years, you and I have held the line against
Central Bank Digital Currency, even as they've been adopted in
other parts of the world. We've exposed the abuses of the
surveillance state and turned the once-sacrosanct Deep State into
the exposed enemy of law-abiding Americans and our freedom and

But I must count on you once more.

Patriot, I know this time of year, you're probably budgeting for
the holiday season.

If you can help us hold the line in this critical final month of
the year with a $100 contribution, it might make all the

Campaign for Liberty has consistently fought above our financial
weight class: getting a roll call vote on Audit the Fed in the
Senate, fending off the free-speech-destroying RESTRICT Act, and
up until now preventing the renewal of Section 702 of the FISA
spy program.

But now we're in the final stage of the battle, and if we come up
short, we're not going to be able to stop the Swamp's upcoming
assault on our freedom, finances, and privacy.

But if $100 is just too much, won't you please agree to $50 or at
least $35 to help Campaign for Liberty FIGHT BACK against the
statists' holiday assault?

I can promise you one thing. The statists aren't going to go home
to their families anytime soon.

Instead, they're going to look for an opening to RAM through
every one of the schemes you and I have bottled up over the past
year. . .

You and I have to prove to them there's NO CHANCE - before it's
too late.

So if at all possible, please support Campaign for Liberty to arm
us for the battles that will be starting THIS WEEK.

We are all looking forward to cherished moments of peace with our
families . . . but the battle is not over.

In fact, we're in the greatest moment of heat right now.

Whether you can spare $100, $50, even $35 . . . or if you can
help, even more . . . every bit makes a difference.

So please make your most generous contribution immediately!
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For Liberty,

Ron Paul

P.S. The days are short, the weather is chilly, and it's the
holiday season, but the Swamp isn't resting - they're fighting
for unprecedented assaults on our freedom and privacy.

The statists are going to look for every opportunity to RAM mass
surveillance, a Digital Dollar, more money to Ukraine, and
whatever else they can through Congress while the American people
aren't paying attention to politics. That's why you and I must
turn up the heat NOW before it's too late. So please make your
most generous contribution of $100, $50, or at least $35 at once!

If you can support Campaign for Liberty in these tough periods of
fighting, please click here:
[link removed]

If you'd prefer to donate via PayPal, please click here.
[link removed]

If you would like to make a donation by mail, please send your
check to Campaign for Liberty, PO Box 104, Lake Jackson TX 77566
or you can call 703-865-7162.

The mission of Campaign for Liberty is to promote and defend the
great American principles of individual liberty, constitutional
government, sound money, free markets, and a constitutional
foreign policy, by means of education, issue advocacy, and
grassroots mobilization.

© Campaign for Liberty, 2012. Paid for by Campaign for Liberty
and not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.

Because of Campaign For Liberty's tax-exempt status under IRC
Sec. 501(C)(4) and its state and federal legislative activities,
contributions are not tax deductible as charitable contributions
(IRC &sect; 170) or as business deductions (IRC &sect;

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