John — A new poll out of UC Berkeley and the Los Angeles Times shows Republican candidate Steve Garvey gaining ground among voters.

This is exactly what the CA GOP has dreamed of — their multi-millionaire celebrity candidate is rising in the polls ahead of the all-party jungle primary, with early voting less than 100 days away. Rush in a split donation of $15 now between Seth Moulton and Adam’s campaign to help us respond >>

Already, MAGA Republicans have thrown every possible roadblock in Adam’s way.

Kevin McCarthy removed him from his assignment on the House Intelligence Committee.

The MAGA majority censured him in a hyper-partisan political stunt this summer under the personal threat of Donald Trump.

A California Republican congressman even introduced legislation to limit the campaign contributions Adam needs to help fight back against the GOP money machine in this U.S. Senate race.

We need to be prepared for any attempts by the GOP to elect another inexperienced, celebrity politician in California. Been there, done that. Several times in fact. And it has never worked out well.

We can’t put any dirty tricks past the GOP. We can’t discount any Republican candidate. We need all hands on deck now.

With Adam running in 4 elections between over 30 declared candidates spanning every political party, we need all the help we can get to win this race. Can you chip in a split donation of $15 between Seth Moulton and Adam’s campaign to help us respond to the GOP advancement in the polls and continue our efforts to reach every single voter in the Golden State?


Thank you,

Team Schiff

