Friend -- You've probably gotten dozens of emails today saying CYBER MONDAY SALE EXTENDED! But it's also Giving Tuesday, and it's a wonderful time to show your support for the Palmdale drivers standing up for workers everywhere. Will you make a Giving Tuesday donation to fight its corporate abuses? Your tax-deductible donation will be split between the Amazon Driver’s Solidarity Fund and Courage California.
The fight against Amazon’s abuse of its workers just heated up in a BIG way!
Thousands of the megacorporation’s workers in more than 30 countries -- including the Palmdale drivers that have been striking for 5 months -- took to the streets on Black Friday to protest untenable conditions and unreasonably low pay.(1) And combined with the massive FTC lawsuit the Biden administration has filed, we are on the cusp of changing the world’s largest corporation for the better.
You can make a huge difference in this fight today. It’s Cyber Monday, Amazon’s bread and butter. Instead of lining its pockets even more, you can help to make sure the 84 brave Palmdale drivers can make it through the holidays and help Courage ramp up our Amazon actions and the rest of our pro-labor work.
Instead of shopping at Amazon, will you make a Cyber Monday/Giving Tuesday donation to fight its corporate abuses? Your tax-deductible donation will be split between the Amazon Driver’s Solidarity Fund and Courage California.
The holiday shopping season is the most difficult for the workers who have to get millions of packages to shoppers, but it’s also our best opportunity to show our power.
The Palmdale drivers suffered 135 degree vans with no a/c, few bathroom breaks, water quotas, and pay that wouldn’t support their families. They took the bravest step possible -- going on strike -- which caused Amazon to fire them. A court case is in progress to have them reinstated, but the wheels of justice turn slowly.
The only reason that the Palmdale drivers have made it this far is because of the support of donors like you, Friend.
It has been a huge sacrifice for these drivers. One is the sole supporter of his two ill parents. Another is welcomed his first child while on strike and has been selling his plasma to make ends meet. One single mother is trying to work while also showing up for the picket line and may lose her car. Several have experienced homelessness. But if they give up now, all of that effort has been for nought.
These Amazon union workers are laying it all on the line to end Amazon’s exploitation. It’s time for us to have their backs.
$4,000 sponsors one striking family through the holiday season, and we have a goal of sponsoring at least one through Jan 1. And Courage will be lobbying in Sacramento, using our wide reach to educate more and more people about the Amazon catastrophe. Courage California’s members have been integral in putting labor abuses at the forefront of people’s minds, and your donations today will in part help to continue that work through 2024.
Let’s do our part to stop Amazon’s labor abuses. Donate now to both the Amazon Driver’s Solidarity Fund to get the drivers through the holidays and Courage California’s pro-labor work!
Thank you for your support
–Irene, along with Angela, Annie, Isidra, Alyssa, Jen, Mario, Marvin, and Lindsay (and the rest of the Courage team)
Footnote: 1.  |