Dear John,

Happy Giving Tuesday!

This is the time of year when we look back on the past year and take stock of all that we have to be thankful for. I am thankful first and foremost for you and your support of the NAS.

This year, more than any other, has exposed how deep the rot goes at our colleges and universities.

NAS is fighting back like never before. 2023 has been, I dare say, one of our biggest years yet. But with a big vision comes big challenges. We can meet these, but only with your support.

Will you help us meet these challenges? Will you make a special, tax-deductible gift to the NAS today? Here are some options to consider:

Give one dollar for every public effort NAS has made to expose antisemitism in American higher education.

Give one dollar for every university NAS has exposed as promoting "diversity" over merit.

Give one dollar for every Chinese influence operation NAS has closed down.

Give one dollar for every article NAS has published from places such as the Wall Street Journal, City Journal, and Spectator.

Give one dollar for every instance of cancel culture NAS has documented.

Or, if you want to go above and beyond, you might consider giving one dollar for every time NAS's work was cited in 2023.

We look forward to continuing our mission by offering lawmakers and policy professionals blueprints for reforming higher education, protecting the academic freedom of professors, and informing America’s citizens of the malfeasance at their universities.

Peter Wood

National Association of Scholars
For reasoned scholarship in a free society.
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