Only for #GivingNewsDay + your gift is matched!
email hero image: #GivingNewsDay | Today only: All gifts matched dollar-for-dollar. | Donate any amount = sticker | Donate $60+ = tote

Hi Reader,

Today is #GivingNewsDay, and ProPublica has a goal of 2,000 new and renewing members today. I’m so grateful to everyone we’ve heard from so far — the outpouring of support for our fearless journalism this year has been overwhelming. If you’re in a position to do so, I’d love for you to join us right now. If you do, your donation will be matched, dollar for dollar, thanks to an anonymous family that has come forward to inspire you to join them in supporting our work!

So far today, we’ve heard from 780 people. That’s $71,000 to invest in the world-class journalism that you’ve come to expect from ProPublica — journalism that shines a light on injustice and effects real-world change.

Today, on #GivingNewsDay, I’m asking you to support our journalism by donating to ProPublica. We still need to hear from 1,220 more people (including you!) to hit our #GivingNewsDay goal.

Thanks so much,
Jill Shepherd
Proud ProPublican

Donate to ProPublica

P.S. Our thank-you gifts are only being offered today through midnight, so don’t wait. Give now for a ProPublica laptop sticker or tote bag!

ProPublica is a 501(c)3 and our EIN is 14-2007220.
Interested in donating through your IRA, donor advised fund, or with stocks? Email us or click here for more info.
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