Dear Friends of 5 Gyres,

Thank you for faithfully following along with us this year as we navigate the sometimes tumultuous waters of science, advocacy, and education in the plastic pollution space. You and your support are what keeps us forging ahead, and we are so grateful for your steadfast belief in a plastic-free future.

But, how do we actually drive towards meaningful solutions to reduce the harm from plastics, and avoid distractions along the way?

The public is inundated with flashy-sounding “false solutions”, like ocean cleanup, advanced recycling, and plastic-eating microbes that merely distract us from the urgent need to turn off the tap. Our research shows that the 170 TRILLION pieces of plastic smog blanketing our ocean cannot be realistically removed, recycled, or thrown “away”. The plastic pollution crisis can’t be solved by simply cleaning it up.

Instead, 5 Gyres is addressing plastic pollution where we believe we’ll have the biggest impact – at the source. Our sectors-based approach to the issue will help to break down the stakeholders, materials, sources, fates, and of course, solutions to each piece of the plastic pollution pie.

So, where does 5 Gyres think the solution to plastic starts?

Stay tuned to learn what these seemingly unrelated subjects have to do with plastic pollution, and vote for your favorite solution by donating today!

Support 5 Gyres on Giving Tuesday!

For now, you can get a sneak peek into our PHA work by joining our State of the Science webinar TODAY at 12pm PST/3pm EST. Hope to see you there!

Wishing you a safe, joyous, and plastic-free holiday season,

Anna Cummins

Executive Director and Co-Founder

P.S. Our Cause Partner, ChicoBag, is donating 25% of all online sales to 5 Gyres today! Shop for one of our favorite plastic-free swaps for an easy way to support 5 Gyres this Giving Tuesday.

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