Dear Friend,

Every day, millions of immigrants risk deportation and accessing their full legal rights due to the high cost of legal assistance and a shortage of immigration attorneys. With the support of generous donors like yourself, the Immigration Advocates Network (IAN), a project of Justicia Lab, leverages free technology and a network of over 12,000 legal and non-lawyer immigrant advocates to help fill this need. Together, we bring the power of the law to thousands by giving everyone access to the latest immigration information and innovative online self-help tools that make it easier for immigrants to find legal help and identify their path to status.

Friend, by making a tax-deductible donation today, you can help thousands more find safety and legal support by making a tax-deductive donation to the Immigration Advocate Network and Justicia Lab.

Thanks to your support over the last 15 years, together we have:

  • Helped over 350,000 individuals find free or low-cost legal assistance from a nonprofit legal aid agency with Immigration Law Help.

  • Supported over 250,000 undocumented immigrants in identifying a form of immigration relief and know their rights with immi.

  • Assisted over 60,000 immigrants in determining their eligibility to become U.S. Citizens and apply for naturalization with Citizenshipworks.

With your continued support, you can make a difference in the lives of millions by making a donation of $20, $50, or $100 to maintain our advocate network and online legal tools. This #GivingTuesday, please consider giving justice by making a tax-deductible donation to the Immigration Advocates Network and Justicia Lab.


With gratitude, 

Rodrigo Camarena
Director of the Immigration Advocates Network & Justicia Lab

Give Justice

About the Immigration Advocates Network

The Immigration Advocates Network (IAN), a program of Justicia Lab, is an online community of over ten-thousand nonprofit professionals, pro bono lawyers, students, and faculty committed to fighting for immigrant justice. Join the IAN community to receive regular updates, connect with other members, and learn about new digital tools immigrant justice. 

Support immigrants and their advocates today!

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