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November 27, 2023

Dear Faithful Friends and Supporters,

THANK YOU for responding and contacting your legislators when we sent you our CTV Alerts and Memos as we sought to be your voice for our values with your legislators. 

At CTV, we don’t bombard our supporters with requests for money. But as we approach 2024, we humbly ask for your support.

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We know Michigan. We don’t have a national lobby or fundraising operation. We are truly “boots on the ground” here. For over 30 years, we have been fighting for pro-family, pro-life values and religious and educational freedoms to be HEARD and REPRESENTED by our legislators who make laws for 10 million Michigan citizens.

Since January of 2023, we have been horrified as the current liberal majority passes law after law to expand abortion, take away our freedoms, restrict Michigan businesses, and trample Judeo-Christian values. We spoke on your behalf before Senate and House committees and alerted you to call and email your legislators—so they KNOW we will not be silent.

A sample of this dangerous legislation included (but not limited to):

  • The so-called “Reproductive Healthcare Act” which WILL harm women and children as it:
  • Removes important regulations and reporting requirements for abortion clinics.
  • Allows for the barbaric practice of partial birth abortions.
  • Removes requirements for the humane disposal of fetal remains.

  • Laws that created a new protected class that includes sexual orientation and gender identity—at the expense of religious freedom and identity. 

  • Laws that weakened educational accountability by our school systems.

And this does not even begin to cover it all. Please click below for a list.

Harmful Legislation in 2023

What can be done?

The 2024 elections are looming on the horizon and the destiny of 10 million residents of this great state is hanging in the balance. YET—only 8% of registered church attendees voted in 2022. If just 4% more voted, we would have a pro-life, pro-family majority in the Michigan House and Senate! 

It is imperative that voters in Michigan who share traditional Judeo-Christian values turn out in greater numbers. Our CTV Pews to the Polls program (PTP) includes building strong networks of churches and church liaisons throughout Michigan. We hire Field Coordinators in key strategic districts, create and distribute comparative voter guides to identify the differences between candidates to educate those who sit in the “pews.” We then employ proven “Get Out The Vote” strategies so they GO to the polls (or send in their absentee ballots)!

Our PTP program has been tried, tested, and proven to work. There is no time to waste. Your financial support—whether $50 or $5,000 will help us make a difference next year.

In short, we need your help—and NOW is a great time to give!

One of our wonderful donors has offered to MATCH every donation up to $20,000.00 until the end of 2023. This means every dollar you give this holiday season is DOUBLED! This helps us immensely. Please join us in fighting the GOOD fight so we may succeed!

Thank you,

Eileen McNeil


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