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Giving Tuesday Edition

In honor of Giving Tuesday, we want to give thanks to you, our generous community of supporters! We hope you enjoy these words of gratitude from our clients. Thank you for giving the gifts of safe harbor, healing, and hope!

"I am very happy, the program is the best thing that has happened to me. I'm very grateful. It has been the best for my and me daughter as well."

"Staff helped give me more confidence to overcome to situation I was in."

"Doorways has opened my eyes on the abuse and neglect that my kids and I were suffering. This has opened my eyes so much I was blind to red flags and the way a person should be treated and not controlled. I love the person who has helped me through my healing process and with coping skills."

"I've been able to better understand the effects that domestic abuse had on not just me, but my children as well. I'm also able to spot coping mechanisms of trauma that I overlooked before."

"[My Mobile Advocate, Court Advocate, and Revive therapist] have been amazing. [The Court Advocate] was with me through the court proceeding and though it was scary it felt great to have her there. [The Mobile Advocate] has helped me to feel so safe. I really can't say enough about how amazing they are."

"For the first time I was able to tell someone about my experience of sexual assault. I feel a relief and having someone listen to me has helped."

"When I first time I came to Doorways was afraid because I thought I would not be able to get a restraining order and felt guilty about separating my son from his father. [My Court Advocate] was there to help me and was absolutely amazing at a time where I did feel I could trust men. He was wonderful. [My Mobile Advocate] was really nice and helped me feel comfortable and provided me with support and personal items my son and I. [My Revive therapist] has also been helpful and sensitive and really kind to me. Doorways has been there to help me through many different life experiences."

"Doorways has been a great source of support and I love what you do in the community."

"Doorways has offered services to help me feel safe and heard."

"Thank you very much for all the support."

"I was in a dark valley and [my Revive therapist] was my source of hope and relief forward. Thank you."

"I feel so grateful for the program. I no longer feel alone. I feel very secure and thank you for you help."

Want to read more? Visit our website for client stories, client videos, and more quotes.

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