Developing and advancing policies that enhance people’s freedom.


"I want to tell you, Gorsuch. I want to tell you, Kavanaugh. You have released the whirlwind, and you will pay the price."

- US Senator Chuck Schumer (D-NY)



The CDC's Lowballing Numbers for Coronavirus

The CDC is America’s lead agency for expertise and guidance on the coronavirus, so the CDC website is where you would look for up-to-the-minute data on this outbreak, right? Umm, nope. As confirmed case numbers nation-wide soared over the weekend, the numbers posted Friday on the CDC website didn’t budge: 164 total cases, 11 deaths. No change. In CDC-world, the virus took a break over the weekend. Meantime, in the real world, the far more timely and accurate online dashboard provided by Johns Hopkins was reporting on the soaring case numbers for this virus, which by Sunday afternoon had topped 500 (more than triple the CDC’s number) and 21 deaths (almost double the CDC figure).

NY’s New Plastic Bag Ban Poses Convenience, Cost, and Health Risks

A ban on plastic single-use bags took effect in New York and shoppers were none too pleased. Banning plastic bags is costly for lower-income shoppers and an inconvenience, especially for the elderly. Dirty reusable bags are also a breeding ground for bacteria. They can cause virus outbreaks and deaths from food-borne illnesses. So why is New York doing this again?



Can you identify which of the following statements is not true?

A:  Women are reaching leadership positions without the help of quotas.
B:  Increasing gender diversity on boards will increase firm profits.
C:  Quotas fail to recognize the real root of workplace disparities.



Summer 2020 Independent Women’s Law Center Fellowship

Independent Women’s Law Center is hiring summer fellows. Two law students will have an opportunity to conduct legal research, contribute to opinion pieces, and author legal policy papers. Apply here.
Is the ERA Constitutional?



Bloomberg Explains Why He Needs Armed Protection—and You Don’t

Former Democratic presidential candidate Mike Bloomberg recently discussed why his security detail needed weaponry that he wants to have banned. His answer made clear that since he is important and wealthy, he should have the armed security of his choosing, but because the rest of us aren’t, we can dial 911 and wait. Make no mistake, Bloomberg would like to eliminate self-defense choices for those of us he might deem less important than him.


Surprise, Surprise: $143,396 Bill for a 45-Minute Breast Biopsy

A woman paid $143,396.66 for a breast biopsy, but she could have paid for the same procedure for less than $8,000 at a different surgery center in Oklahoma. Her story is used to illustrate the importance of price transparency, according to Johns Hopkins School of Medicine Professor Dr. Marty Makary. He says, "A fundamental problem in health care is that we have non-competitive markets. While policy makers may feel tempted to just set a price cap for surprise bills or drugs, the better and more disruptive idea is to actually make markets competitive on price and quality. And though price transparency is not the silver bullet to lower health-care costs, it is a necessary first step."

Kids Are the Biggest Losers in Bernie Sanders’ Childcare Plan

Bernie Sanders’ childcare proposal is exactly what you’d expect. People evaluating Sanders’ claims don’t even have to dig into the research. Common sense works well enough. Does anyone really think that putting an infant into a daycare center for up to 50 hours a week, to be cared for by even a well-qualified stranger, is really better than being cared for by a loving parent? This suggests that his plan really isn’t about helping over-burdened parents, but is better understood as a part of Sanders’ socialist refashioning of American life, and meant to loosen the ties of parents and children, so government has a bigger role in care and daily life from cradle to grave.

Nikki Haley’s Defense of Capitalism

At the Hudson Institute, former UN Ambassador Nikki Haley offered a spirited defense of the free-market system, in which she explains why it is the only real road to prosperity. Capitalism, Haley points out, has made the world “cleaner, healthier, and wealthier than ever.” Since 1800, she notes, after which America became an industrialized nation, average real income per person has skyrocketed by 4,000% and life expectancy has soared. She contrasts capitalism to socialism, saying that the socialism ideology is a "dangerous proposition that government should control more of your life, including your property, your money, and even your religion.”