Here’s a chance to double your impact this #GivingTuesday.
National Domestic Workers Alliance (Logo)

This Giving Tuesday, donate to help fight for the rights of the workers who care for our families.

Dear John — Today is Giving Tuesday, a day that activates millions of people to celebrate and support the organizations that mean the most to them.

Will you make a much needed donation to NDWA on this day of collective giving? Your donation will help domestic workers who have to choose between looking after a sick loved one, and putting food on the table, paying for child care, or paying rent.

We have set a goal to raise $15,000 by midnight tonight, and thanks to the support of a generous donor, your contribution made will be matched – doubling its impact! So, please, John, d onate now to help us hit this goal:

If you have saved your payment information with FastAction, your contribution will go through immediately on clicking a link.

Care workers nurture children, allow parents to go to work every day and provide crucial assistance to those who are aging and differently-abled.

Care workers ensure our nation’s most vulnerable — seniors, people with disabilities, and children — can live safely and comfortably.

Yet the domestic workers we depend on to provide that care, who are predominantly women of color and immigrants, all too often find themselves working for poverty wages with little to no protections.

NDWA is led by and for domestic workers. We fight every day to ensure that they have the respect, recognition and protections they deserve and that these much-needed jobs are good jobs — with dignity and economic security.

John, your generous support today will supercharge our fight to improve the lives of care workers AND, TODAY ONLY, it will have twice the impact. Donate now and help us reach our $15,000 Giving Tuesday goal before midnight tonight!

DONATE $20 →

It’s critical that we take a stand in support of the domestic workers who do the essential work of caring for us and for our loved ones.

So, please make this #GivingTuesday a day when you can make real, meaningful change for the nannies, housecleaners, and in-home care workers we all rely on by making a generous contribution.

Jenn Stowe
Executive Director, National Domestic Workers Alliance