Dear John,
Did you know that a single plastic item may contain a mixture of 13,000 different chemicals, thousands of which are already known as toxic, and plastic industry output is predicted to TRIPLE by 2060? We need implementation and enforcement of existing rules, plus a strong enforceable global plastics treaty, to curtail this toxic production. In honor of GivingTuesday, when you donate today your gift will be TRIPLED, exponentially supporting our work to pressure industry and policymakers to follow existing and coming policies.
Despite the now well known dangers of plastic pollution, which breaks up into microplastics and pollutes at every stage, the US government continues to favor polluters over those they are tasked with protecting. That’s why we advocate for just, strong, enforceable policy solutions to plastic pollution and its many toxic impacts. Please help us by making a gift that will be matched 3:1 for GivingTuesday!
Microplastics are now found in clouds and rainfall, oceans, fresh waters, soils, and in us. Solutions exist, and a different, better world is possible. Please help us build a healthier and safer future: make a GivingTuesday gift & TRIPLE your impact today.
With warmth and gratitude,

Julia Cohen, MPH Co-Founder & Managing Director Plastic Pollution Coalition
P.S. John, please make a GivingTuesday gift by midnight & TRIPLE your impact. Our Executive Advisory Board will be matching donations, up to $15,000 total. |