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Dear friend of the Quincy Institute,

It's David versus Goliath all over again: QI is engaged in a righteous struggle against the deep-pocketed forces of the military-industrial complex.  We're immensely proud to count you among our supporters in this effort.   

We all know how the Biblical story ends
with a single well-aimed stone. QI's fight to steer America away from its penchant for war and militarism promises to take a bit longer. But with your help, it's a fight that we can win.
Thanks to our generous supporters, the Quincy Institute has already become a leading force in moving the United States toward policies based on realism, restraint, and the promotion of peace.

Of course, more work remains to be done, in Ukraine, East Asia, and the Middle East.  But with your backing we can finish the job, creating a world where peace is the norm and war the exception. 

Join us in our fight to topple Goliath.

Please make a 100% tax-deductible contribution of $1,000, $500, $100 or whatever amount that is right for you today and help overcome the military-industrial complex.
Andrew Bacevich
Chairman & Co-Founder
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