Dear Friends,

In my opinion editorial published last week in The Chronicle of Philanthropy, I urged criminal justice donors and philanthropists to seize the opportunity to support the movement to end solitary confinement. Having spent three years in solitary confinement myself, I am thankful every day for this movement. Led by torture survivors and joined by our allies in the faith community, we have achieved tremendous gains in recent years, thanks to the support of donors and supporters like you. Please donate to NRCAT today on this #GivingTuesday, to help our advocacy continue to grow!

NRCAT’s interfaith partners and allies have joined with members of NRCAT’s National Network of Solitary Survivors to contribute to the growth of more than 20 state anti-solitary campaigns. Just this year, 13 states passed legislation that restricted solitary or allocated funds to establish programs that limit the use of solitary. Beyond reducing the numbers of people enduring the torture of solitary confinement on any given day, the work of state campaigns has also led to the closure of supermax prisons built exclusively with solitary cells – highlighting the need to reduce incarceration overall.

On this #GivingTuesday, I invite you to donate to NRCAT to support this vital work and help us continue to grow this community of leaders in 2024. Your donation will be matched dollar for dollar as a part of NRCAT’s year-end matching gift campaign, thanks to our generous donors. Each dollar donated will help us reach our Challenge Match of $40,000, building the moral imperative to end torture!

Thank you for standing with us,

Johnny Perez
Director, NRCAT's U.S. Prisons Program

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National Religious Campaign Against Torture
PO Box 91820
Washington, DC 20090


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