Mitch McConnell’s greatest political accomplishment is obstruction. From the epidemic of gun violence and rising health care costs to foreign interference in our elections, all he’ll ever do about the crises facing this country is nothing.



Mitch McConnell’s greatest political accomplishment is obstruction. From the epidemic of gun violence and rising health care costs to foreign interference in our elections, all he’ll ever do about the crises facing this country is nothing.

We all know by now that Russia attacked our elections in 2016—and Robert Mueller even told Congress, “They are doing it as we sit here, and they expect to do it during the next campaign.”

Unfortunately, Mitch is again refusing to take action. He’s not only ignoring the problem—he’s actively blocking multiple bipartisan bills to curb this interference.

That’s right. There are several bills co-sponsored by Democrats and Republicans that Mitch refuses to bring to a vote.

I served our country for over 20 years. And while I don’t fly fighter jets much anymore, it is unbelievable to me that an elected official would refuse to take action when our security is at risk. Add your name today to join me in telling Mitch: Stop blocking efforts to secure our elections from foreign meddling.

Our leaders take oaths to "defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic." As a career politician, Mitch McConnell has taken that oath six times. I’ve taken it six times as well—as a Marine Corps officer.

So I can’t imagine why he would hesitate to join senators on both sides of the aisle who are acting with urgency—who see the threat this foreign interference poses to our democracy.

Let’s speak out and tell Mitch we’re watching what he’s doing. It’s time to pass into law bipartisan measures like requiring backup paper ballots and ensuring voting machines aren’t compromised by cyberattacks.

Help me send a message to Mitch today: Stop blocking bipartisan legislation to protect our elections.

Thank you,

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