Dear Friend,


Today is Giving Tuesday, and we're taking today to highlight a few things we've done this year that make us most proud!?

2023 Highlights:

Rolled back the highest rent increase for rent controlled residents in DC history

Fought alongside workers at Moon Rabbit, Starbucks, and Union Kitchen

Stood up to Congressional meddling?

Won funding for the Domestic Workers Bill of Rights and Excluded Workers

Referred multiple class action wage theft lawsuit to the DC Attorney General

Developed leadership of 12 fellows in housing and wage theft

Supported tenant organizations in five appartment buildings in Ward 8

And... there's more. We touched thousands of workers and tenants, supported pickets with 32BJ and ATU 689, reached many construction sites and restaurant workers. Partied, played, and build power across DC.



So we're taking a little time to brag. And we hope you'll brag with us. Give at any amount and we'll send you the new DC JWJ sticker. And we have a special gift for everyone who gives $50 or more this Giving Tuesday. When you give this week, we'll thank you with our new pin.?

Building people power in DC is hard and meaningful work. We appreciate everyone who stands with us today, and every day.


In solidartiy,?

