We rely on reader support to keep reporting
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Today is Giving Tuesday, the biggest giving day of the year.

When you give today, your support powers our reporting on major issues that affect all Americans, like the labor movement and monopoly power. We’re here to research those issues and report back with the information you need to make informed decisions in your everyday life.

With an election year coming up, that’s more important than ever. We’ll be here with the stories about ideas, politics and power you need — but we can’t do it without you. We rely on reader support to keep reporting. Your contribution powers our newsroom, allowing our reporters to scrutinize documents and ask the questions that matter to you. 

Plus, right now we’re working toward a big goal: we need to raise $200,000 by the end of the year. A generous supporter jump started our fundraising with a $15,000 donation, and we're at nearly $55,000 now, but we really need the support of readers like you to get us to our goal.

If you’re able, please support The American Prospect today, ahead of the new year. 

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Did you know that gifts from Donor-Advised Funds, IRAs, and Stock portfolios can also benefit you? Help your contribution to the Prospect go further for Giving Tuesday, and give smarter today!

Not interested or able to support us at this time? 

Opt out of our end-of-year campaign by clicking here.