From David Miliband, IRC <>
Subject John, I cannot overstate the urgency of this moment and the impact that your support can have for the people we serve.
Date November 28, 2023 12:13 PM
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Thank you for sharing my belief – that even in the most challenging circumstances, we can help. In fact, our common values demand that when people are suffering, we don't turn away. We act.

That is why I'm asking for your support on Giving Tuesday.

Until midnight tonight, every dollar you contribute will go twice as far to support families facing crisis. Make a greater difference right now by making your special Giving Tuesday gift to IRC.

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John, I cannot overstate the urgency of this moment and the impact that your support can have for the children and families we serve – from Gaza to Ukraine to Afghanistan.

Every person who contributes right now will help the IRC and our partners rush supplies to where they can do the most good, and prepare for the tough times – and winter months – ahead. Will you join in at this critical moment?

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If you make your special Giving Tuesday donation today,

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your urgently needed donation will be matched $1–for–$1, up to $1,500,000, and be put to immediate work on the ground where IRC team members are supporting families facing devastating challenges.

John, many displaced people are struggling right now, and they need your help to survive and stay warm during unimaginable crises. Your generosity helps to provide the services they need to survive and recover from the worst time of their lives.

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Your support for the IRC not only helps us provide lifesaving care inurgent moments — it helps communities rebuild for the long-term in the aftermath of disaster and conflict. And for Giving Tuesday, your life-changing gift will double in impact, doing even more to help the children and families who need us most right now.

Please don't hesitate. Many of these families cannot wait for the shelter, food, clean water, and other supplies that your help can provide. Make your special Giving Tuesday gift now and make twice the difference for those in need.

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Thank you for being an IRC supporter — for never forgetting those in need, and for making this lifesaving work possible.

With gratitude,

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David Milliband

President and CEO

International Rescue Committee

The International Rescue Committee |

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122 East 42nd Street, New York, New York 10168-1289 USA

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