Friend, it's Giving Tuesday!
Today is a big day. For UNICEF, this is more than just raising money, it’s about ensuring that children have support to thrive in the year ahead.
On this special day, UNICEF supporters just like you show up to declare that every new day for children has the potential to be better than the last.
This 5X match offers to multiply the impact of your generosity — but you must give before midnight tonight to make it count. Send 5X the support and help us build a better world that protects the lives, rights and future of every child >> |
Now is the time where your compassionate support for children goes the distance to help. We’re counting on you to show up for every child who will be going to sleep tonight in a refugee camp far from home. For every baby who is facing an uphill battle against severe malnutrition. For every young girl who is out of school and dreams of learning again.
With crises compounding around the world, your matched gift will be a beacon of support that can help change lives.
The future for children is unpredictable — but we can continue to respond to the challenges of today and be ready for what’s to come tomorrow. Will you commit to making better futures possible for children and create hope for a new day?
Don’t let Giving Tuesday pass without taking advantage of this opportunity. Make your gift and send 5X the support to children today >>
Thank you for being there for children,