Support fearless journalism in the public interest
email hero image: #GivingNewsDay | Today only: All gifts matched dollar-for-dollar. | Donate any amount = sticker | Donate $60+ = tote

Hi Reader,

Today is #GivingNewsDay, a day of celebrating and supporting the kind of news that helps make our communities and our country stronger, better, more empathetic and more just. Kick off this holiday season by supporting nonprofit independent journalism with a donation to ProPublica.

At the heart of our mission is the steadfast faith in the power of investigative reporting to spur change and right wrongs. This year, our stories have prompted a national conversation about ethics in the Supreme Court (as well as newly published ethical guidelines for the courts, a first in history), a $100 million fund for patients of a predatory OB-GYN at Columbia University’s medical center, an overhauled inspection system for hospice care and so much more.

Our work is funded by a community of people who believe that an independent press is critical to democracy. Today, we’re looking to strengthen the power of this community by welcoming 2,000 new and renewing members, and your participation will help us get there.

To help us hit this goal, an anonymous family has stepped up today with an offer for you: Donate right now, and your gift will be matched, dollar for dollar, up to $100,000! I know you agree that public interest journalism should be funded by the public. With every new donation we receive, ProPublica grows stronger and gets better, and today the power of your donation is doubled.

Your donation in any amount today will go twice as far to shine a light on corruption and injustice in our government, corporations and more. Help ProPublica raise an extra $100,000 by joining us right now, so that we can continue this critically important work into 2023.

Thanks so much,
Jill Shepherd
Proud ProPublican

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