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When you support IDENTITY on GIVING Tuesday  you support young readers working toward their highest potential.
Because of friends like you, more students are focused on their education, older youth on their workforce training, and parents equipped to help them.  

Will you consider a gift to Identity to keep this work going?

The need is great at a time when so many are suffering the consequences of learning loss and other pandemic-related blows to their development and transition to adulthood.  More than half of Latino and other historically underserved children are not meeting critical 3rd grade reading benchmarks and are still not on grade level in high school. But it does not have to be this way. We are teaching the social and emotional skills that are critical to school success, offering or connecting students to academic enrichment, and empowering parents to monitor progress and advocate for their children when something extra is needed.
Help young people turn the corner with the right support at the right time.
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c/o Nonprofit Village, 15800 Crabbs Branch Way, Suite 300
Rockville, Maryland 20855

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