There’s no guilt in protecting Earth
Banner saying No Future in Fossil Fuels in front of the Royal Courts of Justice

Hello John,

Over the past month, 14 rebels have been found not guilty of criminal damages at two high stake XR actions.

When rebels courageously targeted the Treasury and HSBC, they brought attention to the hypocrisy we live in. While oily profits fill pockets of Leaders, they still declare their commitment to tackling the climate emergency. Who are the real criminals? 

XR's Legal Fund is set up to support rebels facing criminal charges. Big or small, we’re proud to play such critical roles in their cases. The fund relies on people's generosity and today we are asking you for help.

More rebels have acted to expose lies and are facing criminal charges. Your donation will replenish the fund and provide access to whatever resources are needed.

When rebels face criminal charges, we always want to be there to play such vital roles.

  • 🛏️ Approximately £300 helps to fund one-week’s accommodation for one rebel during their trial. In the HSBC case, this amounted to over £7,000.
  • 📑 It can cost anywhere from £360 for an initial case review and guidance on defences, to..
  • 👩‍⚖ …over £5,000 for representation at trial per defendant. During the fire engine case, this amounted to over £11,500 as legal aid was not available.

Your contribution to the XR Legal Fund today is a life changing donation.

From the start, we provide a support network and have access to some of the best legal experts in protest law working on cases.

Despite having generously discounted rates, the reality is that it all costs.

Justice and courage,
XR Legal Team 


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