Dear John,

The earthquake we suffered in September was the most powerful Morocco had experienced in more than a century, and its deadliest since 1960. The impact on working animals here has been devastating.

Our need for help at the American Fondouk is URGENT and continues to grow. We’ve had an influx of sick and injured animals every day — and the caseload seems to come in waves!

Please help us respond to the current wave of animals today — on #GivingTuesday. Some are near death by the time they get to us and need emergency care.

Thankfully, our president, J. Robert Coleman, Jr., has established a $50,000 Challenge Match Fund. That means any gift you send today will TRIPLE in value — up to a total of $50,000!

Triple My Gift

Every dollar you give will go three times as far to help save the 40-50 hospitalized animals, 10 intensive care cases, 30 inpatient and 10 outpatient animals we treat every day!

With my heartfelt thanks,

Dr. Ahmed Khairoun Signature

Dr. Ahmed Khairoun


P.S. Please don’t let animals suffer another minute. Make a gift that triples right now!

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