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“Fight disinformation. Arm yourself with facts”  
Preview of RSF's new campaign

Dear friends,

I am pleased to be able to give you a preview of the new Reporters Without Borders (RSF) campaign video. This powerful video takes just a few seconds to demonstrate the importance of journalism in combatting disinformation. As disinformation about the war between Israel and Hamas spreads like wildfire and millions of social media accounts continue to relay Russian propaganda, the video’s message is that only the work of journalists on the ground can report the facts and reduce the impact of disinformation, manipulation and rumours.

The campaign video will be carried by TV channels, it will be shared on social media, and it will be available to all websites that want it. It is intended to help RSF raise part of the funds it needs to continue its work all over the world.

Don’t hesitate to share it with as many of your contacts as you like. This will help to spread the word about what we do to promote press freedom and defend journalists.

You can also donate.



Thank you for your support.
Émilie Poirrier, Communication director.
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